Having a residential elevator in your home may sound daunting. Since many people are used to seeing elevators in apartment buildings and commercial spaces, they may be concerned about the safety of having it in their own home without an employee managing it. However, when home elevators are properly maintained and installed, yes, they are very safe.
As years have gone by, home elevator technology has advanced to greatly improve the safety of home elevators. Here are just a few factors that keep your residential elevator sage.
Adherence to National Safety Code
Beyond just the functions and technological advancements, there’s a national safety code that all elevators must adhere to in order to be installed. So when you’re getting a residential elevator, you’re getting one that’s coming with the full weight of regulations to ensure it keeps you and your family safe.
REI Controllers
Elevators have come a long way since the days where you needed someone designated to operating the lift. With a Residential Elevators Inc. (REI) controller, you’re able to get real-time diagnostics on how your elevator is running. These devices are smart enough to detect problems and solve them before you even notice them becoming an issue. Plus with functions like auto-lights and auto-homing, your elevator will keep running efficiently no problem.
Infrared Protection
The doors of an elevator can be intimidating to some. However these days, they’re getting better and better at doing their job while keeping you out of harm. With infrared protection, your elevator can detect anything that’s in its path and will prevent itself from closing until the space is open. It’s a function many are used to seeing in elevators, but even more advanced to make those quick judgment calls should someone last second try to hop in or out of the door.
Back-Up Battery
Getting trapped in an elevator is a fear for many people, but it doesn’t have to be a concern with your residential elevator. With a back-up battery, you won’t get stuck inside even if there’s a power outage. Residential elevators also come with a manual lowering device should your power and battery not be functioning as well as a telephone.
Residential elevators are much safer than they may sound to skeptics. Feeling more confident about installing one in your home? Reach out to Celtic Elevators today and we’ll help you find the right model and get you ready to install.
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